$800.00 USD

2 monthly payments

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Elevated Excellence: CIS 2-Pay

Master Your Style in 8 Weeks: Embark on an insightful journey with our structured 8-week program, designed to help you discover and refine your authentic professional style.

Expert-Crafted Videos and Worksheets: Gain access to exclusive video content and practical worksheets meticulously crafted to guide you through each step of your style evolution.

Tailored Cheatsheets for Quick Reference: Utilize our specially designed cheatsheets for quick, easy-to-access tips and tricks that keep your style journey on track.

Self-Paced Learning Experience: Enjoy the flexibility to learn at your own pace, fitting seamlessly into your busy professional schedule.

Long-term Confidence Boost: Achieve a lasting boost in confidence as you learn to create and maintain a style that reflects your unique professional identity and goals.