BONUS (Ep #10) - Your Pathway to Career Success in 2022
Hey New Year Rebels!! This is a bonus episode of the Midlife Career Rebel podcast.
If you're a regular listener, welcome back, and thank you for your tuning in each week. If you're new here in 2022, welcome to the community, and thank you for tuning in as well.
In today's episode, I want to share how to set yourself up for your best year yet in your career, your pathway to success, and how my team and I can support you.
January and February are traditionally the best months to reexamine your career direction, explore other options and possibilities, search for a new position, and even make a career change. Companies on calendar-year budgets tend to post new positions during this time after a lull over the holiday months. The Great Resignation has most likely created several openings, particularly for those who decided to work through the holidays (for extra money) and tender their resignations at the beginning of the year. Also, new positions have been created that need to be filled with individuals with diverse skillsets, as well as, freelancers and consultants; so if you're looking to get your side-hustle on, now may be your time.
I’ve written about job search and career change strategies on my blog, and I invite you to head over there and find those resources. I've added links to some of the most popular ones in the show notes. Today, I want to share the core pillars and philosophical approach I use with my clients to help guide you to your most successful year yet. The new world of work requires a new approach to career management because 20th-century techniques have become antiquated in the midst of the accelerated changes we've experienced and the advancing technological changes yet to come. Before you try to make a shift or change, you’ve got to wrap your mind around this. What got you here won’t get you where you ultimately want to go.
These three pillars, if applied, can help you get over the limiting beliefs, false narratives, and self-doubts that have kept you stuck, stagnant, unfulfilled, and playing small in your life and career.
The first is PURPOSE. I talked about purpose in the last podcast episode, which is about bifurcating your career identity from your personal identity. As a woman in midlife, you've spent decades building your career and have most likely lost yourself in the process. As a result, your success and self-worth have become intertwined with your career. But YOU are not your job or title. You are so much more and are worthy of so much more by virtue of just being who you are. Regardless of what you've done or haven't done in your career, the future still holds unlimited possibilities for you. However, when your self-worth is tied to your job or title, it's hard for you to see a future that's not bound by the limits of your past. That's why in the Career Rebel Academy, we use a holistic approach to help you to rediscover your brilliance, superpower, and gifts. To let go of the notion that the dye's been cast, or you're too old, or it's too late for you to have a career and life you love. We work to help you step into the driver's seat and become the CEO of Y-O-U because it's not about the job; it's about what you bring to the job and how you bring your purpose to your work. After all, deifying a job or career has never worked. It definitely hasn’t kept you from getting laid off, dealing with bad bosses or toxic workplaces, or prevented you from being burned out and exhausted. In the Academy, we help you to learn how to prioritize who you are, what matters, your vision, and the impact you want to make on the world, so you get to design the career you want.
The second pillar is PRESENCE. When you understand that you are not your career and learn to trust and believe in your ability to do whatever you want, you develop an unshakeable self-confidence that allows you to show up in the world with authority and power. With this level of self-confidence, you have the freedom to change your job and career as your life and priorities change. It's ok to apply your purpose to a new field, industry, or type of work. In the Academy, we teach you how to have a liberated living, which allows you to pivot or change jobs while commanding an even higher income that affords you the lifestyle you deserve.
With so many women, maybe even you, reexamining what's important to you over the last two years, women are considering how a job actually fits into our life and values, as opposed to looking for the perfect or ideal job. The Washington Post recently reported that through anecdotal evidence and surveys, many people want to do something different with their lives than they did before the pandemic. What often keeps us trapped in the paradigm of the “one ideal job that you're supposed to stay until retirement” is general fear and failure. In the Academy, we teach you how to deal with the emotion of fear and the mythology of failure, so you no longer have to let these things keep you from living your best life. So that you can show up powerfully as the trusted, sought-after authority you are.
The third pillar of my philosophical approach is PERSPECTIVE. Perspective is about managing your mind and understanding how to create the results you want in your life. We use the rebel mind model in the Academy to equip you with one of the most powerful tools you'll ever use to rewire your brain, overcome social conditioning, biases, and the anxiety and critical self-talk that keeps you from defining success on your terms. To block out social media, your parent's ideas of success, or cultural ideas of success, and instead to create success on your own terms, especially in a way that will allow you to evaluate what matters most to you so you can avoid stress, burnout, and feeling trapped in something you don't love or feel you can leave.
So as we step into 2022, I invite you to consider how you can incorporate these three approaches in your career management plan.
As a career strategist and executive life coach, I help professional women at midlife stop saying "I don't know what I want" and start saying "Hell YES" to what they want by embracing their inner rebel. Because a rebel woman has the audacity to shun all expectations of what she should be. She sees all the societal pressure put on women and simply does not abide by it. She rebels against crazy social conditioning that keeps trying to tell her who she is and what she should do. We coach professional women at midlife to let go of the limiting beliefs and fears standing in their way. To overcome the imposter syndrome and people-pleasing that prevents them from prioritizing themselves and getting the life and career they want. We're not just about up-leveling your career, but up-leveling your life. It's not about revising your resume but about managing your brain, embracing your significance, learning how to showcase your brilliance, and being in 100% alignment with your work.
You need a proven system and unique approach that understands the new world of work, will get you the results you want and will equip you with a powerful tool that will serve you for a lifetime. Our clients are shining examples of how the process works, and right now, we're accepting applications for our January cohort and creating space to talk to you about your career and the transformation that's possible.
To use the talents, gifts, and skills you love and get paid for it without sacrificing your lifestyle or income, and by overcoming the fear of change. With the unpredictability of life, as we've experienced these past two years, you need to become adaptable and learn to embrace change. When you do, you'll feel empowered and capable of doing whatever feels suitable for you, as long as it's aligned to your values and where you are on the lifespan, whether transitioning into a new position or creating your own life and economy through entrepreneurialism.
I've been able to build a successful career even though I've moved to five (5) different states, went through a divorce, had two kiddos, and survived a near-fatal car accident. Each of these experiences required me to adapt and change positions, but with each position, I was able to up-level my skills, my income and my self-confidence in what was possible for me. As a result, it's never occurred to me that I couldn't get any job I wanted whenever I wanted, so long as it suited me, my values, and my goals.
We'll help you build those skills in CRA and hone the insight you'll need to create the life you want. You never want to be limited to just what you're doing or what you know; instead, you want to be open to the potential of what’s possible.
All you need to do is apply and tell us what you want to achieve, and we'll let you know if this program is a good fit for you and if we can support you. I’ve added the link to the show notes.
So, are you ready to make 2022 your best year ever? Then I invite you to apply and learn more.
This episode wraps up season 1 of the podcast. We'll be back the first Thursday in February with a brand new episode to open up season 2. Get ready to hear from past clients, experts in the field and other amazing individuals.
Well, that’s all I have for you today, Rebels!
Don't forget to leave a review and share this podcast with friends, family, and colleagues. After all, we’re all in this together.
Thanks again for tuning in!
And always…have an amazingly rebellious 2022!