How to Open Yourself Up to New & Exciting Career Opportunities with Casey Hasten - Episode #31

Season #4

Episode #31 - How to Open Yourself Up to New & Exciting Career Options with Guest Casey Hasten

Over the years of my work in this space, I’ve found four levels of careerists: Drifter, Hustler, Established. and Rebel. Unfortunately, many people are caught at the Hustler level (running on autopilot, blindly following a societal career ladder) or Established (working hard to maintain everything achieved after years of hustling). At both of these levels, what keeps women stuck are two things: (1) believing there’s no other path to pursue and (2) “settling for good enough.” In today’s podcast, our guest Casey Hasten shares how she broke out of that Hustler/Established level and opened up a new and exciting world that has allowed her to continue growing and evolving in her career.

In this episode of the Midlife Career Rebel Podcast, you'll discover…

  • Casey’s midlife career pivot journey.
  • Why knowing yourself is an essential component of finding career fulfillment.
  • The power of having people to support you and your career decisions.
  • The importance of testing out career options and what it can do for you.
  • How the job search process has changed in the new world of work.
  • The best way to work with recruiters.
  • Why now is a good time for a midlife career change.
  • How to figure out the best career path for you.

Featured On the Show:

Quotables From the Show:

  • “Being ‘at choice’ means being present and in the moment, open to the opportunities that may come your way.”
  • “Say goodbye to times that no longer serve you.”
  • “Enjoy the journey, not just the destination.”
  • “What people think about you is not your business.”

About Our Guest:

Casey Hasten is the Director of Recruiting and Coaching with VIP, Podcast Host of the We Are VIP Podcast and soon-to-be-published author.   After being in the accounting world for over twenty years, she made the leap to recruiting those with similar backgrounds.  It is her goal to help others find their career passion using all the skills and networking outlets she has gathered. Additionally, her mission is to help raise the consciousness of the world by helping those she touches learn to be at choice.  To accomplish this mission, she focuses on the importance of mindset first and foremost and teaches her clients how to live “at choice” and how to co-create their own reality through managing perceptions.  This has led to her most recent passion and project, the Awaken: Your Potential journal. You can also find Casey on Linkedin.

Email me if you have a question or ideas for the podcast at [email protected].

Check out my FREE monthly roundtable called The Boardroom, where we discuss the current issues impacting high-achieving professional women in midlife:  

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