Quiet Quitting, the Great Breakup, and What it Means for Women Leaders - Episode #44

Season #5

Episode #44 - Quiet Quitting, the Great Breakup, and What it Means for Women Leaders


Quiet quitting is a term that became popular in late summer to describe folks who have decided to do the bare minimum to get by without any extra effort. But what are the causes of quiet quitting? How is it related to the Great Breakup, where women leaders are increasingly leaving their jobs because they're not getting what they need from their employers? Is inclusivity an illusion? There's a call for organizations to not only provide space and opportunity but to create cultures that speak to the values and needs of women in the workplace. Today on the podcast, we're discussing all of these issues and what women leaders can do to position themselves for what they want and/or their organizations to create true and lasting change. 


In this episode of the Midlife Career Rebel Podcast, you'll discover…


  • What quiet quitting is and why it's not really a new phenomenon.
  • What the Great Breakup is all about and its impact on women leaders and organizations.
  • Dealing with the duality of both when they're both at play.
  • Four things women leaders can do if personally dealing with either of these issues.
  • Three new approaches employers can consider to counter the effects of quiet quitting and the Great Breakup.


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Check out my latest free masterclass Bold, Courageous, Audacious: How to Get What You Want in Your Career. It's not what you know about your past that creates success; it's what you have yet to believe about your future. I'll show you how. https://www.carolparkerwalsh.com/boldmasterclass


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