Affirmation: I Am Free of Limiting Beliefs

affirmation mindset Dec 05, 2018

Studies have found that repeated use of affirmations in a meditative state can help to rewrite  negative messages and create positive outcomes for individuals —but only if an individual is ready and willing to internalize the affirmation and manifest positive change.

The power of affirmations have not only been grounded in science but we've seen them in literature and the theatre. Remember the movies Working Girl and Rudy? Both stories that demonstrate the power (and tenacity) of believing in your self. 

Louise Hay believed that all self-talk is affectively affirmations. I agree with her. Anything you say or think will affirm something positive or negative. An affirmation opens the door to all the possibilities of life and will serve to repel or bring forth something in your life.

Even Scripture encourages us to use affirmations. In Philippians 4:8 it says:

Whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things.

I use affirmations on a daily basis to undue the damage of negative stories and preconceived beliefs that creep in to limit any possibilities, opportunities or potential success. It's a daily practice for me because I find that once I've been able to overcome one limiting belief, another one is revealed. 

Affirmations can change your life....if you let them.

If your thoughts create your reality, why not create the most positive, magical and successful reality you can possibly have?

So I invite you to join me.

Here's a beautiful affirmation you can use to begin the process.

I am free of limiting beliefs. Although my parents and society impressed their beliefs on me as a child, I have the final say over what I believe as an adult. The only beliefs that I entertain are those that are self-nurturing.

I know that beliefs can drive behavior. Therefore, I critically analyze my thoughts. I see the world in a positive light. I only entertain ideas that are in line with who I truly am.

I nurture my self-esteem. I deserve success and happiness, and I have the tools to achieve them. I can easily recall times when I have been successful. I hold the feeling of winning close to my heart.

I know that I can achieve greatness just by being myself. There are many things that I can do better than anyone else. I cultivate and nurture my talents.

I am confident because I know my strengths. I am insulated against self-doubt.

I choose to believe in myself, even during challenging times. My sense of self is anchored in my knowledge that I am worthy of love and success. It comes from within.

Like anyone else, I make errors, but I turn them into learning experiences. Although I look to the future, I also take time to recall my past successes.

Today, I choose to release any lingering self-doubts. I realize that my performance can soar higher and higher as I continue to believe in myself. I take full advantage of life’s many learning experiences.


In addition to reading creating and reading affirmations, I suggest you do some journaling to support the process of rewiring your brain and your thinking. 

Here are a few questions for self-reflection:

  1. When has the fear of failure kept me from trying?
  2. What bearing does my past performance have on my present potential?
  3. How would my life change if I constantly visualized success?

Here's to breaking any limiting chains and soaring to new heights.

Live, laugh and unapologetically shine,




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