Are You On the Verge of Business Burnout?

business Nov 21, 2018

Burnout is a very real problem, especially for entrepreneurs. Even though partnerships can have their ups and downs, at least you have someone to handle some of the stress and responsibility.

If you're an entrepreneurs, particularly a solopreneurs, you're probably bearing the entire weight of making your business work on your lone shoulders. This amount of responsibility can often lead to working 14+ hour days and losing track of what’s happening in other parts of your life.

But is focusing so much attention on your business a wise decision?

You've heard the saying, "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" right? Well it's true.

While I don't believe in work/life balance, I do believe we all have the ability to create a schedule and life that affords us both choice and time. The question is, will you choose to make the time? 

Self-care and relaxation are important to improve your overall health and mental well-being. So making it a priority is not really an option any more. If you don't you're liable to experience ill-health and ultimately burnout.

Let’s talk about the signs to look for that indicate you might be headed toward a burnout.

1. Insomnia. If your brain can’t shut down because you’re consumed with work, your sleep pattern will get disrupted, leaving you overtired, lacking energy, and possibly lacking the mental energy to make wise business decisions.

2. Procrastination. Do you cringe at the length of your daily to-do list? Did these tasks once excite you but now they make you want to crawl under a rock? Procrastination leads to missed deadlines and opportunities to promote your business.

3. Fatigue. The human body is only capable of handling so much stress on limited sleep. You don't want to get in the habit of burning the candle at both ends.  At some point your body will want to give up, causing severe fatigue and possibly other illnesses that will keep you out of the office.

4. Changes in appetite. For some people, stress causes them to overeat; for others, stress reduces their appetites. Neither extreme is good for your body. For optimal health and mental clarity, take lunch breaks away from the desk and choose natural, healthy food choices instead of fast food items.

5. Anxiety. High stress causes anxiety, which can cause crippling fear or other physical symptoms. Keep in mind: there’s a big difference between the anxiety you feel when stepping out of your comfort zone versus stress-induced anxiety that doesn’t seem to go away.


As a solopreneur, what will happen if you don't have the energy or are too sick to run your business?  Will you have to close your doors? Will you streams of income disappear?

Let’s avoid that from  happening!

Take care of your whole body, mind, and spirit. Take quiet time to relax. Get outdoors and breathe in some fresh air. Unplug for a whole weekend and live in the moment with your family. Reconnect with old friends. Start a hobby.

The choice is yours and the choices are limitless.

Do you need support managing your schedule or to get focused? Let's connect!

Live, laugh and unapologetically shine,


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