Do What You Love...How to Discover Your Life's Work

career Apr 23, 2021
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When we send our kids off to college at 17 and 18-years old, we're in effect asking them to determine the course of their lives in a year or two. We're asking them to figure out what they want to be when they grow up. But, without much life experience and little to no work experience, how can we expect them to know? 

Maybe it's time we rethink that process and remove the pressure of choosing a major and return to a liberal education. After all, less than 27% of people are actually working in their college major. 

I've often talked about how after 10 years practicing law and another 12 years in academia; I was close to 50-years old when I figured that question my career path.  While I was good at what I did, evidenced by my frequent promotions, I didn’t love it.

Don’t get me wrong, I'm grateful for all the training, learning, and growth I experienced through those years, but I always harbored a bit of jealousy for those who "whistled while they worked" out of the sheer joy of doing work they loved.  For years I wondered what was wrong with me. Why can't I be grateful, happy, or content with my work, job, or career? Why couldn't I be one of those people?

Confucius said, “choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”  While that was great advice, my problem was I didn't know what I love; I still didn't know what I wanted to be when I grew up. I felt like I did when I was a freshman in college, trying to choose a major in many ways.

Tired of the mediocrity of my career, I set out to discover not just what I could do but what I was meant to do. I initially opened an image consulting business, which has now expanded to a career and business consultancy. After almost five years, while there have been peaks and valleys along the way, I can finally say...I love what I do. 

It's not an easy process, and having gone through it myself, I can now support my clients through their discovery process. To figure out how to tap into a greater understanding of self and leverage that into your life's work....into work you love. 

Get my free guide 5 Steps to a Career You Love to jumpstart this process. Use this document to guide you into a career and profession that's both meaningful and fulfilling. 




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