Don't Make These Mistakes When Setting Your Goals

vision Nov 27, 2018

Goals are very powerful. They keep you focused, on target, and excited about that daily to-do list. More importantly, there are few things more exciting then achieving a big goal.

After all, what’s the likelihood of accidentally accomplishing something that makes your life, business or career absolutely fabulous?

Not likely!

Great accomplishments require intention. Having intention keeps your mind sharp, alert and always on the look out for the perfect solution.

Of all the things we learn in school, most of us were never taught how to set an effective goal. That's way less than 8% of people succeed at achieving them.

I was definitely in that number.

However, when I learned what I was doing wrong that all changed, and now I teach my clients the right way to make their dreams a reality.  

So, just in case you're in the midst of setting your new year's resolutions, here are 9 things you want to avoid during the goal setting process.

Nine (9) goal-setting mistakes to avoid:

  1. Setting too many goals. Instead of having a multitude of goals, try setting one to three highly meaningful goals. When you have a history of success, increase the number of goals you’re simultaneously pursuing. Too many goals can be overwhelming and spread your resources too thin.
  2. Choosing goals that aren’t highly meaningful to you. If you’re going to limit yourself to one or two goals, it’s especially important to choose something that’s highly desirable to you and will have a great impact on your life. The more you want it, the more likely you are to aggressively pursue it.
  3. Expecting things to go smoothly. A highly desirable and meaningful goal is unlikely to be reached quickly and easily. Expect a few bumps along the way. Keep a positive attitude and simply assess the situation when things don’t go the way you had hoped. Change your approach and try again. Using this process to move closer and closer to your goal, regardless of the circumstances, how could you not be successful?
  4. Not recognizing signs from your subconscious. If you’ve set a desirable goal, it’s only natural that you’d pursue it aggressively and enthusiastically. If you find yourself procrastinating, losing your enthusiasm, or failing to take action for any reason, your subconscious is trying to tell you that something is amiss. Re-examine the goal and make sure it's aligned with the direction you're heading in your life, career or business. Sometime we think we want something, but in truth it's not quite the right thing or the right time.
  5. Setting an unreasonable timeline. Things always seem to take longer than we expected. Try to be realistic and set a deadline that’s reasonable and takes into account a few challenges along the way. By not giving yourself enough time, you’re risking the possibility that you’ll feel discouraged when you don’t complete your goal on time.
  6. Failing to measure your progress. Imagine having a weight loss or financial goal but never weighing yourself or measuring your income. You’d never know where you stood relative to your goal. Review your progress on a regular basis.
  7. Setting goals that aren’t realistic. There are many goals that appear unrealistic, yet are realistic with an adequate deadline. However, there are also goals that are highly unlikely to be reached. For example, if you’re 55 years old and 5’ 5”, you’re not going to play in the NBA. You can accomplish great things, but some things simply aren’t an option, regardless of the timeline. Seek wisdom in telling the difference.
  8. Setting goals that take too long. It’s much easier to stay focused on goals that are limited to around 12 weeks. I'm a BIG proponent of 90-day quarterly planning. If you have a goal that will take longer than three months, determine where you would expect to be in three months and make that your goal. Big goals are likely to require several smaller goals that ultimately lead to its completion. You also have enough time to see if you're making progress or if you need to make some changes.
  9. Not having a clear endpoint. An effective goal is measurable and has a clear endpoint. For example, “making more money” isn’t an effective goal. One dollar is technically more money, but is that what you want? Would you be satisfied with that? Be as concise as possible. Ensure you can measure your goal.

A goal is a gateway to a happier life. But setting effective goals takes practice, and it’s important to avoid making these common goal-setting mistakes. Avoid these mistakes and you greatly increase the odds of realizing success!

Do you need help with gaining clarity on your vision and setting a plan to achieve your goals? Then schedule a free session and let's talk about making next year your best year yet!

Live, laugh and unapologetically shine!



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