How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile to Land Your Next Job or Promotion

career advice May 12, 2020
professional woman working remotely

LinkedIn is not just a social network or an electronic version of your resume. When properly utilized, LinkedIn can function as not only your personal website but your best marketing resource to position you for the job and career you want. This is particularly true if you can optimize your SEO on LinkedIn. 

Today on AM Northwest, I shared some of the critical components of building a LinkedIn profile that will get you noticed and lead you to the career you want. If you've been neglecting or under-utilizing this platform, it's time to change that. 

You can watch the entire segment below!

1. Fully Complete Your Profile

LinkedIn makes it easy for your profile to get noticed, but you have to make sure it's fully complete. That includes background photo, profile photo, headline, summary, and experience. You'll get reminders every time you log in that parts of your profile are incomplete and which pieces you may want to work on. If you can think of your profile as your personal website, you're less likely to leave areas blank.

2. Use Keywords

LinkedIn is basically a search engine so it's important to use "keywords" that describe your skills, desired job titles, or expertise so that when someone is doing a search they can readily find you. Use relevant keywords and phrases in your summary section, headline and the skills/endorsement area that speak to your top skills and abilities so your profile will pop up when recruiters or hiring managers are searching for new talent or even your current manager wants to review your profile.

3. Add Examples of Your Work

Under the Experience section OR in the new Features section on LinkedIn, you can add links to your published work, or upload files, clips from interviews or even articles you've written. Showcase what you can do by highlighting what you've done!

4. Post Regularly

While you don't have post daily, whatever cadence you settle on just make sure you do it consistently. This will help you stay on others radar when you post quality and relevant content that positions you as a thought leader in your industry or field. LinkedIn isn't Facebook, so consider your audience before you post. You can also publish articles directly on LinkedIn to further demonstrate your expertise and industry knowledge.

5. Connect with Recruiters and Others

LinkedIn is a networking platform and if you're interested in a particular job or position, reach out to recruiters and hiring managers and let them know. Conduct informational interviews and be sure to follow the companies you want to work for, including your own.

6. Ask for Endorsements & Recommendations

These areas on LinkedIn were once overlooked, but NOW they can be your ticket to the job or promotion you want. Be sure that your top 3 skills for which you're seeking endorsements are also the keywords you want to be known for or found. You can actually choose up to 150 skills, so don't limit yourself. Also, many employers are no longer asking for recommendations but rather checking your LinkedIn profile for references that will tell them what they need to know. Be sure to seek references from influential people, previous employers, colleagues, those you've volunteered with, etc. Have a breadth of references so that an individual can get a full clear picture of your talents and skills and what you have to offer.

Watch the full segment here:


Ready to land your next promotion? Reach out and connect with me today!

 You can also get my LinkedIn Training program, Step Up and Lead ONLINE! A step-by-step program to help you maximize your profile!


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