Is It the Great Resignation or the Great Realization?

career mindset Jul 16, 2021
black woman similing

According to the U.S. Labor Department, 4 million people quit their jobs in April alone. In addition, a record 95% of employees are considering changing jobs, according to, and 92% are looking to switch industries. This exodus out of the workplace has been dubbed The Great Resignation

The pandemic has changed the landscape of work as we know it. For example, one out of 4 women has downshifted or resigned due to the overdemanding balancing act they were forced to perform. In addition, McKinsey reports that people of color may not fully return to pre-pandemic employment levels until 2024.  

Others have abandoned what they perceived as "sinking ship" industries they no longer trust to sustain their income and careers. Still, others have appreciated working from home and refuse to deal with long commutes, crowded office space, and annoying co-workers.

While these are rational and predictable reasons for many of the resignations employers have experienced, I believe The Great Resignation is really a result of what I call The Great Realization.

Those months of lockdown created an existential crisis for many people, prompting many to reexamine what was important in their lives and careers. The pandemic gave us the luxury of time, and people want more of it. We enjoyed the opportunity to stop and think about what we want, how we want to live, what (and who) is important, and the impact we want to make in the world. The status quo was no longer an option.

Several of my clients changed jobs, careers or started new entrepreneurial ventures. Most have redesigned their work schedules or will continue to work remotely. A few have relocated to go after new opportunities and adventures, taking advantage of the new rules of engagement.

So what does this mean for your career and the future of work?

The pendulum has definitely swung in favor of job seekers and career transitioners, but it's bound to swing back eventually. There are over 9 million open jobs out there in the interim, making it an employees market. So if you're thinking about quitting your job to go after one of those 9 million-plus job openings, you'll want first to check out my resignation game plan.

In addition, there are three things you'll want to do before you make a change.

Build the Career You Want

Get clear on the work you want to do, what you want to be known for, and how you want to contribute your unique gifts and skills to the world. You can build the career you want by first building your compelling brand. Your brand is your unique promise of value, based on five drivers: vision, values, passions, differentiators, and purpose.  When you're clear on these five things, you'll gain clarity in your career direction leading to the right career for you. Ask yourself these questions to get to the heart of your brand and lead you on the right path:

  • What’s your long-term vision for your life and career? 
  • What do you want to be known for?
  • What do you get lost in and can do all day, every day?
  • What's unique about what you do?
  • What impact do you want to make in the world?

Level Up Your Digital Footprint

Use LinkedIn to showcase all that you have to offer. LinkedIn is the largest online professional network globally, with over 720 million members worldwide representing every possible industry. There's no better place to showcase what you have to offer. After you've gotten clear on your brand, be sure to fold in your superpowers, gifts, accomplishments, experience, and credentials and use that to create a compelling professional narrative to tell the story of who you are and why you're the ideal candidate. Use your headline to highlight the role you want and the specific results you bring and don't forget to seal the deal with a branded photo. You should align your photo with your brand message, so be thoughtful about the photo you choose to represent not just who you are but your long-term goals and vision. 

Foster Deeper Relationships

This is your opportunity to not only reach out to people you know but also those you've wanted to connect with. Use this time to connect at a deeper level. Set up 15-20 minute virtual coffee chats to get to know people better. Be sure to have a giver's attitude. So many of us are inundated with people dropping in our DMs asking for help or wanting our time or business. If you want to make a genuine connection, do a little research to get to know the person you're reaching out to. Send them an article, a link to an event, or a book you think they might be interested in. If you're trying to connect with someone in an industry or company you want to join, be sure you research the company's values and benefits first, ensuring it's the right place for you before you reach out.  LinkedIn is a way to build and deepen your connections.

Finally, take your time, do the work, and don't settle. If things are not coming as quickly as you'd like, it may be because you haven't gotten as clear on what you want as you needed. Value your time, and most importantly, value your worth and ability to find the right career for you. The market is in your favor...take advantage of it!

If you feel you need more support or coaching to make the best decisions for you, click on the link below and apply to the Career Rebel Academy™ and get access to my free private training, "How to Take Charge of Your Career at Midlife & Finally Have the Life You Want."


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