Accelerate Your Vision: Choose a Theme For the Year

vision Jan 16, 2019

Here we are at the beginning at another year. All around me I see and hear people talking about resolutions and changes they're going to make this year.

However, when I hear resolutions I'm left with wondering why have you chosen that resolution, how does it fit into the larger plans for your life and business, and how will you accomplish the task?

The answers to these questions will accelerate your vision and dreams.

Step 1 - Change Your Planning Period

I used to make resolutions every year on January 1st and by mid-February it was back to business as usual. Frustrated, disappointed, and wondering why I couldn't be disciplined enough to follow through, I decided a few years ago to try something new.

Throwing out the January 1st resolution plan, I started visioning and goal planning the day after Halloween. This one little change made a huge difference in my life. It took the pressure off having this "all or nothing" resolution at the beginning of the year.

It also afforded me the opportunity to implement my goals and vision way before January 1st, allowing me to make any necessary adjustments to ensure success.

Step 2 - Choose a Word/Theme

The second thing I decided to do was to choose a word or theme for the year.

Now, this isn't a new concept, but how I use my word or theme for the year is different. Choosing a word for the year has also become commonplace as I've watched a number of people state their word for the year.

However, the word itself isn't magical nor will results just fall from the sky by speaking it periodically over the year. What makes your theme or word magically, is how you frame your actions and activities around that word. 

My word represents not only what I want to have in my life, but who I want to become and how I want to engage in the world. It's grounded in who you want to be, what you want to do and achieve, as well as what you want to have or acquire.

How It Works

My word for this year is grow. The theme is to grow with intention. I want to grow in a way that will allow me to service more individuals, be an inspiration to other women and entrepreneurs, and to grow my team so that we can positively impact the world.

I also want to grow in knowledge, skills, and experience so that I can better service my clients. As a lifelong learner and educator, this is always a important goal for me.

So how does this work? As I develop my yearly and quarterly strategic plan, my "to-do's" will actions that support my intention for "growth."

I did this last year with my word adventure. I chose that word because I wanted to explore the limits and possibilities of my talents and business. To be open to risks, challenges, new experiences, opportunities, and ventures.

This word guided my action plan and choices and as a result my business has grown and expanded.

If you've chosen a word or set a resolution I ask you, does it serve who you want to become or what you want to do in your life or business? Does it reflect the change you want to see in yourself or around you? How do you want to approach life and how to do you want life to be for you?


Everything has energy and the word/theme you choose will definitely have an energetic force. The key, however, is how you'll manage and guide that energy?

You have 365 days to move from where you are now to the vision of where you see yourself in the future. Sure, you'll have some ups and downs but I believe it's all in the service of the achieving your dreams. It's how we grow and learn. Because you're guided by a word/theme you have be open how it will manifest in your life.

Be flexible and adaptable and ready to course correct along the way.

Can you see the possibilities within this new way of planning for the year?

So before you make your resolution get clear on who you want to become and what you want to do in new year.

Clarity is the beginning of intention. Once you're clear, create your vision, set your word/theme and then go out there and live your purpose.

If you need help in this process then schedule a Clarity Session with me TODAY!

Live, laugh, and confidently shine!

Carol ;-)


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