How to Regret-Proof Your Career Decisions

career advice Jun 14, 2022
professional woman of color

Millions of people switched jobs during the pandemic, but some are feeling a bit of "buyer's remorse." This is because many people made assumptions about the market and what employers were willing to do to make the grass greener on the other side. Making career change decisions can be one of the most stressful decisions you'll make, but if you don't know how to make the right decision for yourself, you may regret your choice.

On my monthly career segment on AMNW Morning Show, I shared four key ways to "regret-proof" your next career decision. You can watch the full video below.

  • Get Clear on What You Don't Want It's essential to be clear about your non-negotiables, so you don't compromise them for other "shiny" objects like an excellent salary or benefits.
  • Know What You Have to Offer Too often, people try to fit themselves into what the employers are looking for, like trying to fit a round peg in a square hole. Know what you have to offer, and be ready to explain why what you bring to the table is what's best for the role.
  • What Do You Value? It's not uncommon to leave an incredible role because the environment or the company values are not aligned with your own. So know what matters to you.
  • Know How it's Aligned to Your Life How does your new role jive with your current lifestyle or your vision for your life? If it's out of alignment, you're going to have issues.


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