How to Use Fashion Feng Shui to Meet Your Goals

business career vision Jan 28, 2019

Your fashion choices can help you achieve your goals. That's where Fashion Feng Shui® comes in.

Everyone makes resolutions this time of year but you need to either create a vision board or set a word or theme to guide your actions and intentions for the year. Adding to the energy of these words, you can also use your wardrobe to support you in these endeavors. By leveraging the elements of Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal into clothing and you can use your wardrobe for not only comfort but to achieve the results you desire in your life life and business.

Using Fashion Feng Shui®

Water Energy:

If you have a goal this year to be more creative and embark on more innovative ways of doing things, water energy will support you in that. When you need to engage in intellectual endeavors like going back to school or completing your education or need to be quiet and reflective to start meditation or spiritual enlightenment, then add more water energy to your wardrobe. Dark colors, fluid fabrics, or abstract prints and asymmetrical lines support Water Energy.

Wood Energy:

Need to move into action and become more physical? Starting a new program around your health? Or do you need to be more assertive and direct so people will take you more seriously, then add more wood energy in your wardrobe. My word and theme for this year is GROWTH which is a wood energy word, so I'll definitely be wearing more cotton, denim, florals and stripes.  start a new program, or need to improve your health.

Fire Energy:

If it's time to get more fun in your life or find love, then you'll want fire energy in your wardrobe. Fire is about being seen and connecting so that includes networking, speaking on stages, or being in the spotlight. Leather, suede, animal print, neon colors and sequins are examples of adding that energy.

Earth Energy:

Life been a bit chaotic and you need more stability? Earthy energy fosters support, trust, dependability and practicality. Wear more plaids or textural garments like tweed or cable knit sweater.

Metal Energy:

Have you been working on a project for years and saying "one day I'll finish my book," well metal energy is the GET IT DONE energy. It's also great if your goal is to get more organized, clean, beautiful or to upscale your wardrobe, home or even your life! Soft colors, monochromatic pastels, polka dots and soft lines will be the look you'll want to go for with metal energy.


There's no need to buy a new wardrobe. Rather look through your closet and see if you have pieces that would support your goals and aspirations.  

If you want to learn how to use these principles in advancing your business, gaining influence, and improving your confidence, then schedule a FREE Consultation with me TODAY!!

I share more about this on AMNorthwest and you can watch the full segment here: 

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